Monday, 22 September 2014

                      PEOPLE'S DECISION TO BE "UNITED"

There is always a debate between the people who say YES and who say NO. But that debate is inflated by politicians,scrambling the civilian society thereby enforcing people to take a stand and fight for it rather bringing a peaceful consensus. Majority of the Scottish people wanted to be united in U.K in the landmark referendum held on 18-9-2014.This is a shocking result because 84.59% of the people campaigned for separate entity before this referendum and most of the experts thought that there will be unique decision but on the day of result its completely differed. The preliminary doubt is that "are the people really desired for separate entity or not? Is it really helpful for Scots if they are separated?The current problems of Scots can be eliminated by becoming a separate country or not. In this global arena one part of action will exponentially effect the entire  system. The ideology of revolution is getting stronger in the global countries with these actions. More or less taking a referendum from people without creating any sorts of pressure and with a motive of developing a nation rather individual's self interest will show the path for glory. Respect for the Country, Culture, Religion should not result in a revolution. A Common man is much more a single identity to create peace and welfare in the society, an organisation may promote peace but an individual can establish the prosperity among the people. Our capabilities cannot be restricted by boundaries in what ever region we are living. To develop the thought of belongingness is much more wealthy than any thing in the world. Problems has to be solved but not to be created by our thought of separate entity.   

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